CERMOM doctoral contracts

Since 2006, the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche Moyen-Orient, Méditerranée, CERMOM (EA 4091), has brought together some fifty tenured research professors (Inalco, Sorbonne Université and Paris 8) specializing in the Middle East and Mediterranean cultural area (Arab world, Mediterranean and Muslim societies, Jewish societies (Israel and diaspora), Turco-Persian, Greek and Kurdish worlds).
Thesis subject: The epitome of Averroes' Organon: commented critical edition, translation and philosophical analysis
Doctoral contract since 2021
Thesis director: Alessandro GUETTA
Thesis co-director: Ridha ATLAGH
Thesis topic: The Bāb al-Ḥamāsa in Abū Tammām's anthology al-Ḥamāsa: naming and defining a poetic theme
PhD contract since 2021
Thesis director: Luc DEHEUVELS
Thesis co-director: Mathias HOORELBEKE
Silvia NEGRI
Thesis subject: Commented critical edition, translation and commentary of Moshe de Rieti's Sefer Miqdash Me'at
PhD contract since 2020
Thesis supervisor: Alessandro GUETTA
Thesis co-supervisor : Judith KOGEL
Greta SALA
Thesis topic: The affirmation of the individual within the post-2000 Syrian novel: between quest, crisis and (re)construction of identity
PhD contract since 2021
Thesis director: Rima SLEIMAN
Thesis co-director : Monica RUOCCO
Maxime TABET
Thesis topic: The šiḥḥī speech - Grammatical description of a variety of Arabic in contact in the Musandam peninsula (Oman)
Doctoral contract since 2022
Thesis supervisor: Bruno HERIN
Thesis co-director: Stefano MANFREDI
Thesis topic: Resisting confinement as a Palestinian woman: The impact of the Israeli prison system on Palestinian women's trajectories
Doctoral contract from 2021
Thesis director: Chantal VERDEIL
Thesis co-director: Meriam CHEIKH