Awards and distinctions

- Julien VERCEUIL: 1st French winner of the Kondratiev Gold MedalThe N. D. Kondratiev International Foundation, an international research organization founded in 1992 and accredited by the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, rewards Russian and foreign scientists every three years for their contribution to the development of the social sciences. In 2017, it honored Julien Vercueil, the first French researcher to receive this distinction since the creation of the Foundation. His areas of research and publication are institutional economics, the economics of Russia and post-Soviet states, and the comparative analysis of trajectories of economic emergence.
- Murielle FABRE: Prix de Thèse SHS PSL - Prix Interface Sciences/HumanitésFor her thesis entitled: "The Sentence as a cognitive object. The Neural underpinnings of syntactic complexity in Chinese and French", under the supervision of Mr. Christophe Pallier (DE at CNRS) and Ms. Xu Dan (PR at INALCO).
- Charlotte COURREYE: Prix de thèse du GIS Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmansFor her thesis in literature and society, "L'association des Oulémas Musulmans Algériens et la construction de l'Etat algérien indépendant : fondation, héritages, appropriations et antagonismes (1931-1991)", under the supervision of Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen defended at INALCO on November 28, 2016.
- Najla NAKHLE-CERRUTI: Thesis prize from L'Institut d'étude de l'Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM)This third prize is awarded for the thesis, "La Palestine sur scène, Une approche géocritique du théâtre palestinien (2006-2016)", thesis in languages, literature and civilization, under the supervision of Luc Deheuvels, defended at INALCO on November 30, 2017.
- Joseph CIAUDO: Thesis Prize of the Fondation sino-française pour l'Education et la Culture 2016First Prize awarded for his thesis entitled: "Sinodicée en question : Essai d'histoire intellectuelle à partir des discours culturalistes de Zhang Junmai (1919-1931)", under the supervision of Frédéric Wang (ASIEs) and Anne Cheng (Collège de France).
- Nolwenn SALMON: Prix de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris 2017 (Prix Piedallu Philoche en Lettres et Sciences Humaines)Prize awarded for her thesis entitled: "Chinese journalists engaged in environmental issues. Les équilibres de la critique entre acceptation et refus du politique", under the supervision of Xiao Planes Xiahong (ASIEs) and Christian Henriot.