Applications for CERMOM funding

Since 2006, the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche Moyen-Orient, Méditerranée, CERMOM (EA 4091), has brought together some fifty tenured research professors (Inalco, Sorbonne Université and Paris 8) specializing in the Middle East and Mediterranean cultural area (Arab world, Mediterranean and Muslim societies, Jewish societies (Israel and diaspora), Turco-Persian, Greek and Kurdish worlds).
In the event of a funding application to CERMOM, you will first need to complete and send to the Laboratory Director, Chantal Verdeil, with a copy to the team manager, the dossier(s) below:
Dossier CERMOM_Aide à la Publication (163.5 KB, .doc)
Dossier CERMOM_Aide à la Traduction (163.5 KB, .doc)
Dossier CERMOM_Défraiement pour Thèse ou HDR (165 KB, .doc)
Dossier CERMOM_Dépenses d'Equipement (164 KB, .doc)
Dossier CERMOM_Demande de Documentation (164 KB, .doc)
Dossier CERMOM_Mission de Terrain (183.5 KB, .doc)
Dossier CERMOM_Organisation Manifestation Scientifique (190.5 KB, .doc)
Dossier CERMOM_Participation à Colloque (182.5 KB, .doc)
Dossier CERMOM_Soutenance de Thèse (189.5 KB, .doc)