Two years of large-scale war: Ukraine's transformation - Europe's security symposium

Date: March 25, 2024
Location: auditorium Dumézil, Maison de la Recherche, 2 rue de Lille, 75007, Paris
On a scale unseen in Europe since the Second World War, this war is turning Ukraine into a major geopolitical theater, where the architecture of European politics and security is being redefined, in a context itself marked by the upheaval of international balances.
At the same time, it is becoming imperative to reflect on the challenges of rebuilding and transforming Ukraine, with a view to its integration into the European Union, set up as a priority by the Ukrainian and European authorities.
In this context, the Inalco Foundation and the Robert Schuman Foundation propose to bring together Ukrainian, French and European diplomats, political and military leaders and researchers to shed light on the security architecture in Europe and the reconstruction-transformation of Ukraine.
The aim of this symposium will be to identify themes to be explored in greater depth and approaches to deal with them, in a context where war makes realities on the ground shifting, access to information difficult, and requires direct and regular contact with sources.
Colloquium "Two years of large-scale war: Transformation of Ukraine - Security of Europe"
09:30 - Public welcome
09:45 - Welcome
- M. Jean-François Huchet, President of Inalco
Welcome to Inalco
- Mr. Jean-Dominique Giuliani, President of the Robert Schuman Foundation
- Mr. Philippe Advani, President of the Inalco Foundation
10:00 - Interventions:
- S.E.M. Vadym Omelchenko, Ukrainian Ambassador to France
- S.E.M. Gaël Veyssière, French Ambassador to Ukraine
- Mr. Charles Fries, Deputy Secretary-General of the European External Action Service
- Mr. Jean-Louis Bourlanges, Chairman of the French National Assembly's Foreign Affairs Committee
11:00 - Session 1 - Security architecture in Europe
- Mrs Alice Rufo, Director General, Ministry of Defense - DGRIS (Directorate General for International Relations and Strategy)
- Mrs Nataliia Kalmykova, Vice-Minister, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (TBC)
11:45 - Round table - Security
Moderated by : Mr Jean-Dominique Giuliani, President of the Robert Schuman Foundation
- Dr. Oksana Mitrofanova, Teacher-researcher, Inalco-CREE
- Dr. Yurii Kohut, Founder and Managing Director, "SIDCON" LLC International Consulting
- Dr. Céline Bayou, Head of Department, DGRIS & teacher-researcher, Inalco-CREE
- Mr. James Sherr OBE, Honorary Fellow, Int'l Centre for Defence & Security (ICDS), Tallinn Associate Fellow, Russia & Eurasia Programme, Chatham House
12:45 - Free Lunch
14:30 - Session 2 - Transformation of Ukraine
Moderated by: Mr. Julien Vercueil, Professor of Economics specializing in the economics of Russia and the post-Soviet states, Inalco-CREE
- Mr. Pierre Heilbronn, Special Envoy of the President of the Republic for Aid and Reconstruction of Ukraine, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
- Mrs Lesia Vasylenko, Member of the Ukrainian Supreme Rada, President of the Groupe d'Amitié France Ukraine
- Mr. Hugues Mingarelli, European Union Ambassador to Ukraine (2016-2019), Director of the European Agency for Reconstruction in the Balkans (1999-2002)
- Mr. Philippe Le Houérou, President of the Agence Française de Développement (on video)
15:15 - Round table - Society
Moderated by: Ms Iryna Dymytrychyn, Senior Lecturer, Inalco - CREE
- Mrs Aurore Bergé, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, responsible for equality between women and men and the fight against discrimination (on video)
- Mr. Denis Eckert, Director of Research, CNRS
- Mrs Anna Colin Lebedev, Lecturer in Political Science, Université Paris-Nanterre
- Mr Adrien Nonjon, PhD student, Inalco-CREE
16:15 - Coffee break
16:30 - Round table - Economy
Moderated by: Mr Dominique Menu, Member of the Supervisory Board and Director of the Risk Committee, Ukreximbank
- Mr Francis Malige, Managing Director Financial Institutions, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
- Mr. François Benaroya, CEO Europe Méditerranée BNP Paribas, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Ukrsibbank
- Dr. Sophie Lambroschini, Researcher, Centre Marc Bloch
- Mr. Jean-Jacques Hervé, French Academy of Agriculture, Former Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture of Ukraine
17:45 - Closing session
Moderated by:
Mr. Jean-Dominique Giuliani, President of the Robert Schuman Foundation
Mr. Philippe Advani, President of the Inalco Foundation
- Intervention by Mrs Olha Stefanishyna
Vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine in charge of European and Euro-Atlantic integration - Intervention by Mr Benjamin Haddad
President of the France-Ukraine friendship group, Assemblée Nationale
18:45 - 20:30 - Cocktail
With the participation of :
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères
Ministère des Armées
Ukrainian Embassy
BNP Paribas
Conference program
240229 Ukraine Programme 0.22_ Invit.pdf (274.73 KB, .pdf)