Scientific news
Training workshops offered by the "Corpus Ecrits" Consortium - January 18 and 19, 2016
The working groups of the Corpus Ecrits consortium:
- Multilingual corpora
- Corpus of modern writings and consideration of new modes of communication
- Highest level annotation: syntax, semantics, reference
- Corpus exploration
are organizing, for the third year running, two days of training in various corpus analysis tools.
The training will take place on January 18 and 19, 2016 in Paris, at INALCO.
These workshops are open to working group members or anyone interested. There are still a few places left in some workshops!
The program can be found on the following page:
Registration requests should be sent to
Please specify in your message which workshops you would like to attend and your affiliation.
Courses offered:
Monday, January 18, 2016
OmegaT (T. Grass): Room 7.03 INALCO
Lexico 5 (A. Salem) : Room 7.04 INALCO
Alinea (O. Kraif): Salle 7.03 INALCO
Iramuteq (P. Ratinaud) : Room 7.04 INALCO
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Unitex (D. Maurel): Room 7.03 INALCO
Dtm-vic (L. Lebart, C. Poudat): Room 7.04 INALCO
Unitex (D. Maurel): Room 7.03 INALCO
Hyperbase web (L. Vanni) : Room 7.04 INALCO