Vincent Bénet appointed Managing Director of ASPC

A former student at the École Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud, Vincent Bénet worked from 1983 to 1996 as a certified teacher of Russian in collèges and lycées in the Académie de Versailles. Elected in 1996 to a PRAG post in Inalco's Continuing Education Department, he became a lecturer in Russian language and grammar in Inalco's Russian Studies Department in 2005.
He was a member of Inalco's Scientific Council (2006-2010), then Director of the Russia Department (2007-2010), co-director of the Centre de Recherches Europes Eurasie - CREE (2010-2013). As a member of Inalco's Board of Directors (2011-2017), he was in charge of the bachelor's degree department (2011-2013), then became vice-president in charge of training and student life (2013-2017). In this capacity, he played an active role in setting up the COMUE USPC.
From 2017 to 2020, he was seconded to the MEAE at the Service de Coopération et d'Action Culturelle of the French Embassy in Moscow to head the Centre d'Etudes Franco-Russe de Moscou.
His publications and research activities concern the design and production of computer resources for Russian language and linguistics (software utilities, computerized Russian dictionary, morphosyntactic and semantic labeling of Russian, constitution of parallel French-Russian aligned corpora), as well as its applications to Russian pedagogy (learning software, corpus-based textbook, popularization work). His studies also focus on artificial languages and language policies in France and Russia.
Alliance Sorbonne Paris Cité (ASPC) is a grouping of 5 higher education and research establishments - Inalco, Université de Paris, the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord and Sciences Po, founder members and the École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Paris-Val de Seine (ENSAPVS), associate member - and a research organization, the Institut national d'études démographiques (Ined) partner member.