Video competition on the notion of consent in emotional and sexual relationships
Campus life

Communication on social networks, on private or group messaging, sometimes induces forms of violence related to gender and sexuality: sexist insults, assaults related to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity in particular. Cyber-harassment or cyber-violence is one of the most widespread forms of gender-based, sexist and sexual violence.
This is why students at Université Paris Cité, and therefore at Inalco, are today invited to take up the theme of consent in emotional and sexual relationships by producing short, original and original prevention videos.
Participation terms
- The competition is free of charge;
- It is open to students enrolled during the year 2022-2023 in one of the institutions of the Sorbonne Paris Cité Alliance, including Université Paris Cité;
- The videos, of 3 minutes maximum and in MP4 format, may have been made by several participants constituted in teams of up to three people.
Deadline for submitting videos: October 16, 2022 at
Jury review of videos: between November 7 and 10, 2022
Prize awards: November 25, 2022
At the end of the selection process, three prizes will be awarded:
- a First Prize, with an endowment of €1,500.00;
- a Second Prize, with an endowment of €1,000.00;
- a Third Prize, with an endowment of €500.00.