Travel Assistance Campaign 2022-2023
In 2022, 33 students benefited from this aid, traveling to 21 different countries. Add your destination to the list!

When to go?
You can immerse yourself for a summer in a country whose language you are studying with travel assistance. In fact, Inalco distributes part of the funds allocated to the FSDIE (Fonds de solidarité et de développement des initiatives étudiantes), in the form of financial aid. Intended to cover the cost of airfare/transportation to the chosen country, this aid enables you to take a linguistic and cultural trip during your summer university vacation. A minimum stay is expected and will be specified in December.
Please note that you must return no later than the day before the start of the new academic year, even if the trip is the end of your studies at Inalco.
For whom?
This offer is aimed at students enrolled in a DLC, Licence or M1 course at Inalco. To take part, you must have already completed one year of studies at Inalco.
This assistance enables you to travel to a country whose language or culture you are learning. First-time travel to these countries is encouraged. No minimum language level is required. Nevertheless, don't hesitate to get in touch with your teachers to define the trip best suited to your studies. The various departments will be consulted for the selection of applications.
It is not necessary to be a scholarship holder on social criteria to benefit from travel assistance. However, grant holders will receive an additional 10%.
Please note:
This grant is not an ERASMUS+ mobility grant or an international mobility grant. It cannot be combined with ERASMUS+ or international mobility aid. If you are planning to go to a partner university for a semester or a year of study, you should contact the International Mobility Office and the ERASMUS+ team, as travel assistance cannot be granted.
Travel assistance does not fund family stays either.
How to apply?
You'll need to fill in this digital form and upload supporting documents:
No handwritten applications will be accepted.
Step 1: fill in the travel assistance application form on your computer. Don't hesitate to ask the advice of an academic referent.
Step 2: submit the application and supporting documents on the dedicated website (opening in December 2022) beforeFebruary 20, 2023 23:00.
Step 3: wait untilthe end of March to receive an email telling you whether or not your application has been accepted.
Step 4: if your application is eligible, you will have to confirm by email before April 11, 2023 if you accept the assistance
Step 5: if you have any questions about organizing your trip, you can make an appointment with the REVE service.
Come and find out more!
In the attached PDF, you'll find a wealth of information about travel assistance:
Aide au voyage 2023-2023 mis à jour 20.12.22 (15.11 MB, .pdf)
Attention, les conditions d'attribution de l'aide au voyage ont été élargies en 2022-2023 afin de permettre à plus d'étudiants d'en profiter. Découvrez-les ici !