Student work from the "Anatomy of a language and culture" workshop - Episode n°7

21 October 2021


The "Anatomy of a language and culture" workshop is a teaching module common to the L1+ and Tempo success paths of the Licence+ program. Its aim is to get students thinking about otherness and linguistic and cultural diversity. In several episodes, we present a selection of projects carried out by students during the 2020-2021 workshop. This final episode features a magazine on fashion around the world (Italy, France, Japan, USA).
Couverture du magazine "la mode dans le monde"
La mode dans le monde - projet étudiants Licence+ © Droits réservés‎
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The "Anatomy of a language and culture" workshop

A pedagogical module common to the Successful L1+ and Tempo courses of the Licence+ program.

What is a culture? How does a language work? What is the relationship between individuals and the social world they produce? From what is woven the cultural web in which we live, which seems so obvious to us while it may seem strange to individuals from other cultural spheres?

Around these questions, this workshop aims to provide historical milestones, linguistic landmarks, anthropological or sociological knowledge, by articulating them to a collective project carried out by students.

By drawing on students' resources, skills and knowledge, including informal ones, it enables them to make the most of their diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

Depending on the dynamics created within the different groups, the themes tackled, the angles of approach, as well as the projects emerging from this workshop are diverse: decoding societal issues, inventing a religion, comparing the systems of several countries, examining the development of a language over several centuries, etc.

Discover in episodes the projects carried out by students during the "Anatomy of a language & a culture" 2020-2021 workshop

Episode n°7 - Fashion in the world (Italy, France, Japan, USA)

Retour sur les projets précédents:
Episode n° 1 - A la rencontre des Nishis - Carnet de voyage à Nishido
Episode n° 2 - Autour des expressions
Episode n° 3 - Ki Me Yon Ya We Yanga Eee - Conte en pictogrammes
Episode n° 4 - Un rake - Quels gestes pour quelles cultures?
Episode n° 5 - Asian cuisine
Episode n° 6 - World music