Publication: "Pour une 'mise en valeur' de la Mer de l'Est. Le cadre politique et les moyens économiques du Vietnam" by Jean-Philippe Eglinger

The South China Sea through the prism of Soft Power. Nouvelles approches franco-vietnamiennes d'un vieux conflit maritime
Ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Pierre Journoud
with contributions from Monique CHEMILLIER-GENDREAU, Séverine CHOUKROUNE, Barthélémy COURMONT, Jean-Marie CROUZATIER, Jean-Philippe EGLINGER, François GIPOULOUX, Gilles de GANTES, Laurent GEDEON, Marine HERRMANN, Dat Vu Khoa HUYNH, Christian LERCHERVY, Giang Huong NGUYEN, Quoc-Thanh NGUYEN, NGUYEN Hong Thao, NGUYEN Huu Nhan, NGUYEN Van Dinh, NGUYEN Hung Son, Françoise NICOLAS, Anh Minh TANG, Éric WOLANSKI and with speeches by M.. NGUYEN Thiep, then Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to France, and Mme Catherine DEROCHE, Senator of Maine-et-Loire and President of the Senate's France-Vietnam Friendship Group.

Not since the end of the Cold War has there been such a high level of military activity and tension in the South China Sea.
How has this localized and, all things considered, minor conflict in the aftermath of the Second World War evolved into a strategic conflict of global proportions today? What efforts have been made, or can be suggested, to resolve it? What role is played by the USA and China, Vietnam and the Philippines, ASEAN, Europe and France? What has been the impact of the pandemic? The war in Ukraine and the Taiwan crisis?
One of the aims of this book, inspired by a Franco-Vietnamese colloquium, is precisely to provide some up-to-date answers by crossing geographical and disciplinary horizons, examining the conflict through the prism of soft power - history, including the long term, law, culture, communication, economics, science and ecology. These fields are not only the natural extension of the hard power invested by the parties to this sovereignty conflict. They also provide the key to its resolution.
Through its comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach, this scientifically militant book underlines the imperative need for transnational and international cooperation in fields that already exist, but also need to be invented or reinvented.