Portraits of researchers in Areal Studies: an audiovisual collection as part of the D-Parsas project

27 October 2023
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The D-PaRSAS project (Inalco-Université de Paris) is initiating a series of large-format, 60-minute interviews with teacher-researchers specializing in the study of a given cultural area. This series of filmed portraits is part of a series of collections on the LaCAS platform, which aims to create a living, freely accessible scientific heritage of research into world languages, societies and cultures. These interviews are also available as podcasts on the Acast listening platform.
Entretien filmé dans les salons de l'Inalco
Portraits de chercheur(e)s en études aréales (collection PEA) © Dimitri Galitzine‎
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Portraits de chercheurs(e)s en Études Aréales - PEA collection

As part of the Digital Paris Research School of Area Studies (D-PaRSAS) institutional project, the PEA program - Portraits de chercheurs(e)s en Études Aréales - proposes to implement a series of filmed interviews with teacher-researchers specializing in areal studies.

The main objectives of this program are to:

  • Contribute to the discovery of the great diversity of the world's languages, societies and cultures and to its enlightened, respectful and responsible appreciation;
  • Value the academic career and the research and teaching work of researchers and teachers specializing in the studies of a given cultural area ;
  • To publicize the specificity of Inalco's vision for understanding a cultural area - a vision that considers in-depth knowledge of local languages to be a sine qua non for theoretical research and practical expertise in the lato sensu (oral and written, verbal and non-verbal) productions and textual heritages of the world's civilizations ;
  • Constitute a living, open-access scientific heritage of research on the languages, societies and cultures of the world;
  • Participate in Inalco's initiatives in favor of open science for research and teaching in the languages and civilizations of the world.

This audiovisual collection joins the multimodal data set (visual, filmic, sound, textual, 3D, ...) offered by the Language and Cultural Area Studies - LaCAS platform.

Discover, in video and podcast, these large-format interviews deposited on the open archive MédiHal through the presentation of a portrait published each month on our site:

Find all the interviews on the listening platform Acast.
