Multidisciplinary doctoral seminar 2023-2024: "Rereading the classical heritage".
Please find below the seminar program for 2023-2024.

The theme of this seminar is "the khabar" and it takes place one Thursday a month.
Seminar description
There is a narrative form that seems constitutive of classical discourse, so much so does it cross different fields of knowledge, disregarding their diversity. This form is the khabar. Weaving the fabric of discourse in knowledge where narration is central, such as hadith, exegesis, historiography, biography, etc., this short form of narrative structures adab literature and also knows how to set discourses more resistant to narration, such as the poem that the khabar envelops, like a jewel case, or the theoretical, grammatical, legal or philosophical treatise, which it accompanies in an appended text. A passion for storytelling, by strokes and series, the khabar is best conceived in the plural - akhbâr multiples dealing with a theme, making room for several narrators or chains of narrators, hence multiple, sometimes contradictory points of view. A narrative which, by its very form structured into sanad and matn, is supposed to include the conditions of its enunciation and veracity, the khabar is also an exemplary example. It illustrates the point, but it also serves as a paradigm, an exemplum, a model, a grid for reading reality held out to the reader conveying ethical values. Its stylistic impact is also decisive. It has been argued that it gave rise to the only literary genre specific to classical culture, the maqâma.
Surely, to understand it, we need to situate ourselves at a point prior to all the discourses in which it presents itself. What exactly does this structuring presence of knowledge mean? What relationship to truth does it imply? How does it relate to ethics? To reality and fiction? Does it take the same forms in different disciplinary fields? What does it say about the author in works where the latter seems to limit himself to selecting and arranging akhbâr ? What does it say about the reader? What does it say about the oral part in the written word? So many questions, which have already attracted the attention of researchers and are far from exhausted. It is these questions, and many others no doubt linked to them, on which the seminar, always resolutely multidisciplinary, proposes to solicit texts. The khabar will serve as a breadcrumb trail, though the seminar does not preclude the exploration of ancillary paths.
The seminar's objective is both training and research. In order to achieve its training objective, the seminar includes, in addition to contributions from established researchers, presentations by doctoral students on their research.
The seminar is open to any doctoral student whose object of study is a classical text in Arabic. It is also open to M2 students, who can validate it under code ARAA520H. It is also open to any M1 or L3 student wishing to learn more about classical culture. The evaluation of registered students is based on their written summary of a researcher's intervention in the seminar, which the student chooses according to his or her area of interest and research and gives to the seminar directors and the researcher concerned.
Session program
The annual seminar program will be available in early October.
- Thursday, October 12, 2023 from 4:30pm-7pm - l'Inalco (PLC) - room 6.06 or videoconference (Link / Meeting ID 894 5150 0728)
- Ali AMIR-MOEZZI (École Pratique des Hautes Ètudes, LEM): "Le Coran et les débuts de l'islam : nouvelles approches)
- Thursday, November 16 from 4:30pm-19pm - l'Inalco (PLC) room 6.06 - or videoconference (Link / Meeting ID 894 5150 0728)
- Yesmine KARRAY (ENS LYON, Triangle UMR 5206) "Le khabar dans le Nasîhat al-mulûk d'al-Ghazâlî: au croisement des traditions grecques, perses et islamiques"
- Kheira HASSA ( Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, ED 120) "Relecture d'un khabar dans Al-Faraj baʿd al-šidda: l'illustration d'un basculement du profane au sacré"
- Thursday, December 14, 4:30pm-19pm - l'Inalco - or videoconference, Infos à venir
- Thursday, February 8, 4:30pm-19pm - l'Inalco (PLC), room 3.04, (Nouvelle salle) or videoconference,
- Eddie NASSER (Paris VIII, CEAO) - Le khabar dans la critique poétique pré-systématique: l'approche 'psycho-littéraire' revisitée
Timothée GAEREMYNCK (Inalco, Cermom) - Lecture comparée des commentaires du Bâb al-Hamâsa d'Abû Tammâm
Friends and students from abroad or France who would like to join us in distance learning can click on the following link:
meeting ID 977 2943 6884
Session poster
- Thursday March 14, 2024 at Inalco (PLC), room 3.04, 4:30-7pm. We'll have the pleasure of listening to (poster) :
- Jean-Patrick GUILLAUME (Université Sorbonne nouvelle)
La légende d'Abû l-Aswad al-Du'alî et la disciplinarisation de la grammaire au IVe/Xe s.
- Francesco BINAGHI (Sorbonne Université, Cermom)
Zajjâjî died in 337! Les akhbâr entre biographie et construction hagiographique"
Friends and students from abroad or France who would like to join us remotely can click on the following link:
Meeting ID: 928 5571 8850
RHC Seminar - Updated 2023-24 Program (.pdf / 246.02Ko)
- Thursday April 25 from 4:30pm-7pm - l'Inalco - or videoconference, Infos to come
- Thursday May 16 from 4:30pm-7pm - l'Inalco - or videoconference, Infos to come
- Thursday, June 13 from 4:30pm-7pm - l'Inalco - or videoconference, Infos to come
- Georgine AYOUB (Inalco, CERMOM)
- Mathias HOORELBEKE (Inalco, CERMOM)
- Loïc BERTRAND (Inalco, CERMOM)
Séminaire RHC - Programme 2023-24.pdf (245.9 KB, .pdf)
Séminaire RHC - Programme 2023-24