Multidisciplinary doctoral seminar 2022-2023: "Rereading the classical heritage".
Please find below the seminar program for 2022-2023.

This seminar is monthly and takes place one Friday a month from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm. Some dates are arranged according to the university calendar.
Seminar location: 65 rue des Grands Moulins Paris 13ème.
Parting from the idea that the watertight divisions of fields of knowledge prevalent in modernity are of limited relevance when it comes to medieval Arabic culture, this doctoral seminar, led by members of the CERMOM research axis of the same name, sets out to show how and why fruitful work on the various discourses of this culture, without denying or erasing the specificity of each discourse, nevertheless presupposes locating oneself at a point prior to the distinction between ethics, aesthetics and theology + prior also to the separation between different fields that are held to be distinct such as adab, grammar or philology, rhetoric or poetics, theology (kâlâm), the juridico-religious sphere of fiqh, philosophical thought, etc.
The seminar is open to any PhD student whose object of study is a classical text in Arabic. It is also open to M2 students, who can validate it under code ARA5A02I. It is also open to any M1 or L3 student wishing to learn more about classical culture. The evaluation of registered students is based on their oral presentation in the seminar, for which they will also submit a written version to the two directors.
- Friday, October 7, 2022 - Inalco (PLC), Room 5.18 or by videoconference (Link / Meeting ID: 894 5150 0728), 4:30-7:00 pm
- Frédéric LAGRANGE (Université Paris Sorbonne, CERMOM): "Poétique de l'excrément : les notices d'adab consacrées à Ibn Sukkara et Ibn al-H. ajjâj"
- Friday, November 18, 2022 - Inalco (PLC), Salle 5.18 or by videoconference (Link / Meeting ID: 894 5150 0728), 4:30pm-7pm
- Julien SIBILEAU (Inalco, CERMOM): "Pour l'amour de la langue : un commentaire linguistique des lectures coraniques non canoniques, le Muh. tasab by Ibn Jinnî"
- Eléonore CELLARD (independent researcher): "Copying the Qur'an in North Africa / Andalusia in the IVth/Xth-Vth/XIth centuries"
- Friday, December 9, 2022 - Inalco (PLC), Room 5.18 or by videoconference (Link / Meeting ID: 894 5150 0728), 4:30pm-7pm
- Yassir MECHELLOUKH (PhD student, Inalco, Casa de Velásquez): "Averroès contre les Ašʿarites sur la question du mal"
- Enki BAPTISTE (doctoral student, Université Lyon-2, Institut français d'islamologie): "Entre lignée savante et lignée militante: la construction d'une mémoire des origines dans l'ibadisme médiéval omanais"
- Friday, January 20, 2023 - Inalco (PLC), Room 5.18 or by videoconference (Link / Meeting ID: 894 5150 0728), 4:30-7:00 pm
- Moulay Mustapha TESRIF (Université Lyon-2, CIHAM): "L'arabité au IIIe/IXe siècle et la question de l'origine: naissance d'un mythe littéraire"
- Alice CROQ (Institut français d'archéologie orientale): "Les lieux et états des défunts en Islam médiéval, à partir des sources littéraires et archéologiques (VIIe-Xe s.)"
- Friday, February 3, 2023 - Inalco (PLC), Salle 5.18 or by videoconference (Link / Meeting ID: <894 5150 0728), 4:30-7:00 pm
- Rémy GAREIL (Université Lyon-2, CIHAM): "Science de la langue et science politique: gouverner par la parole à l'époque bouyide (Xe-XIe s.)"
- Loïc BERTRAND (Inalco, CERMOM): "Šukr al-kâfir: généalogie d'un motif littéraire"
- Friday, March 10, 2023 - Inalco (PLC), Salle 5.18 or by videoconference (Link / Meeting ID: 894 5150 0728), 4:30-7:00 pm
- Sébastien GARNIER (Associate Professor of Arabic, independent researcher): "Une mémoire régionale de la Tripolitaine médiévale: quelques interrogations liées à l'étude d'un manuscrit inédit"
- Sofiane FELLAG (Inalco, CERMOM): "Regard sur les anciens dictionnaires spécialisés en langue arabe: exemple du lexique des termes anatomiques relatifs à l'Homme"
- Friday, April 7, 2023 - Inalco (PLC), Salle 5.18 or by videoconference (Link / Meeting ID: 894 5150 0728), 4:30pm-7pm
- Monica BALDA-TILLIER (Université Grenoble-Alpes, LUHCIE): "Polyphony and multiplicity of genres in Al-Barq al-šâmî by ʿImâd al-Dîn al-Kâtib"
- Iman MESSAOUDI(doctoral student, Inalco, CERMOM): "Dîwân al-Farazdaq: the limits of publishing in the face of a reputedly difficult poetry"
- Friday, April 21, 2023 - Inalco (PLC), Room 5.18 or by videoconference (Link / Meeting ID: 894 5150 0728), 4:30-7:00 pm
- Hilary KILPATRICK (independent researcher): "Arabic poetry of the Ottoman period 1516-1800: what creativity?"
- Friday, May 12, 2023 - Inalco (PLC), Salle 5.18 or by videoconference (Lien / Meeting ID: 894 5150 0728), 16h30-19h00
- Brigitte FOULON (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, CEAO): "Les représentations jardinières et paysagères de la poésie arabe à l'heure ottomane. II : thématiques"
- Mathias HOORELBEKE (Inalco, CERMOM) : "À propos de publications récentes sur la littérature à l'âge bouyide (Xe-XIe s.)"
- Friday June 9, 2023 - Inalco (PLC), Salle 5.18 or by videoconference (Link / Meeting ID: 894 5150 0728), 4:30pm-7pm
- Georgine AYOUB (Inalco, CERMOM): "Indefiniteness and poetry: the adventure of rubba"
- Timothée GAEREMYNCK(doctoral student, Inalco, CERMOM): "Al-H. amâsa l-kubrâ: H. amâsat Abî Tammâm or H. amâsat al-Marzûqî? "
Georgine AYOUB (Inalco, CERMOM)