LABEX EFL (GL4) study day "Inflectional reflections", December 15

Wednesday, December 15, 2021 - 10.00-18.00 - Maison de la recherche (Paris 7e) - Auditorium Georges Dumézil
Inalco - 2, rue de Lille - Paris 7e
Free admission. Masks must be worn
Inflexional Reflections
"Inflectional reflections" is a full day devoted to reflecting on important issues concerning inflectional morphology through several studies on various languages carried out as part of the LABEX Empirical Foundations of Linguistics-EFL (Operation GL4).
These studies will give us the opportunity to reflect on issues ranging from the mystery of inflectional classes, their composition, predictability and paradigm complexity, to the emergence of new morphological contrasts and the ever-intertwined relationship between morphosyntactic agreement and lexical constraints, to truly morphological phenomena that agglutinative inflectional models usually leave in the shadows.
Organization: Enrique Palancar
Inflexional reflections (LABEX EFL GL4) - Affiche (2.05 MB, .pdf)