Festival Jean Rouch 2024: "Flickering Lights" wins the "Mondes en regards" prize

13 May 2024
  • Asia and the Pacific

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The Inalco jury of the 43rd Jean Rouch International Ethnographic Film Festival has awarded the Prix Mondes en regards to the film "Flickering Lights" by Anupama Srinivasan and Anirban Dutta (India) after a week of competition and 17 films viewed. The festival runs until May 24 in various cinemas and establishments dedicated to the human and social sciences, in Paris and Seine-Saint-Denis, pending the Regards comparés selection next November at Inalco.
Image du film "Flickering Lights"
Image du film "Flickering Lights" © Metamorphosis Film Junction‎
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Prix Mondes en regards 2024

The Inalco jury has decided to award the Prix Mondes en regards to the Indian film Flickering Lights (Les lumières vacillantes) by Anupama Srinivasan and Anirban Dutta for its deep emotional impact and the richness of the subjects tackled on the common thread of the arrival of electricity.

Le jury Inalco remet le prix Mondes en regards lors de la soirée de remise des prix au Musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac
Le jury Inalco remet le prix Mondes en regards lors de la soirée de remise des prix au Musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac © Festival Jean Rouch‎

The jury was particularly moved by the authenticity and depth of the characters. The film skilfully captures the complexity of individual and collective aspirations in a context of impending change. The photography and narration finely underscore the social and political issues facing the village. Flickering Lights thus proves to be a powerful work, offering a pertinent reflection on the meaning of progress and human resilience in the face of uncertainty.

The film will be screened at Inalco in the first half of the year 2024-2025.


Tora is a Naga village close to the Indo-Burmese border, neglected by the authorities because of its long history of resistance and lacking any basic infrastructure. Seventy years after India's independence, when the inhabitants of Tora learn that electricity is finally on its way, they are wary, having been disappointed too many times in the past. The wells are dug, the poles erected, but Khamrang, the patriarch, looks on skeptically. His real dream is the sovereignty of his people. Jasmine, a pragmatic woman, sees the arrival of electricity as an opportunity to buy a much-needed refrigerator for her children. Work progresses as best it can, and life oscillates between hope and frustration. Will electricity arrive in Tora? If so, will it bring the promised joy?

Special mention

The Inalco jury would like to award a special mention to the short film Waking up in silence by Daniel Asadi Faezi and Mila Zhluktenko (Ukraine) for its ability to offer a delicate vision of Ukrainian refugee children's discovery of the reality of war, while preserving their innocence.

Inalco 2024 jury members

Chanyueh Liu: ethnoscenologist, teacher of Taiwanese, Mandarin and performative cultures of East Asian societies at Inalco, and lecturer in Taiwanese history at Université Paris Cité.
Alejandra Rotondaro Ferreira: events and cultural project manager at Inalco.
Agathe Gauthier: student at Inalco in the third year of the LLCER Siamese and International Relations degree.