Election of the new board of France Universités

Councils at the heart of France Universités' work and strategy
The chairmanship of the Councils and the Board of Directors were also renewed.
Two presidents were also elected to head the Councils:
- Virginie Laval, President of the University of Poitiers, as President of the Training, Student Life and Professional Integration Council;
- Édouard Kaminski, President of Université Paris Cité, as President of the Research and Innovation Council;
- Virginie Dupont, President of the University of Southern Brittany, as President of the Personnel and Resources Council.
These bodies work independently, within the policy framework defined by the Board, and meet on the third Wednesday of the month, the day before the General Meeting, in the presence of association members. Discussions at these meetings help to define the positions that France Universités will express to its interlocutors. In addition, the Councils provide a forum for meetings with the stakeholders involved in each theme, and encourage exchanges between presidents/directors. At each General Meeting, the Councils report on their work to all members.
17 presidents make up the new Board of Directors
Alongside the three members of the Bureau and the three Council presidents, 11 additional members have been elected to the France Universités Board of Directors:
- David Alis, President of the University of Rennes;
- Mathias Bernard, President of the University of Clermont Auvergne;
- Carine Bernault, President of Nantes University;
- Eric Blond, President of the University of Orléans;
- Nathalie Dompnier, President of the University of Lyon;
- Camille Galap, President of the University of Paris-Saclay;
- Emmanuelle Garnier, president of Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès;
- Dean Lewis, president of Université de Bordeaux;
- Pierre-Alain Muller, president of Université de Haute-Alsace;
- Odile Rauzy, president of Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier;
- Benoit Roig, president of Nîmes Université.
The Board of Directors meets once a week, in particular to distribute texts, proposals, projects, motions and documents to be examined, and to debate current issues and topics in ESR. And to best respond to needs, it may decide to set up a commission or working group, for an appropriate duration.
In a context where national and international balances are being shaken, politically and economically, socially and socially, geopolitically and diplomatically, the role of the University is essential in understanding phenomena and finding solutions to the problems that arise. This role must be considered in its proper light and defended at its proper level. That's why France Universités must assert its place as a common home for institutions, and as a force for contribution and influence in the higher education sector.
Lamri Adoui, President of France Universités, and President of the Université de Caen Normandie
From the press release from France Universités.