December elections: I vote to build the higher education of tomorrow
Here's a reminder about the 2014 professional elections, which take place from November 27 to December 4 for internet voting and December 4 for ballot box or postal voting.

All practical information can be found on the Ministry's website:
However, there are a few specifics to be noted for internet voting.
Voting at the ballot box or by post
Voting at C.T.M.E.S.R., C.T.U. and C.T. d'établissements publics will take place at the ballot box or by post. The same applies to ballots for joint consultative committees and consultative committees for contract doctoral students. For the C.A.P. for E.P.S.T. corps propres, voting will take place by post.
Voting by internet
For the C.A.P. national and deconcentrated for B.I.A.T.S.S. staff, voting will take place electronically.
Electronic voting by internet takes place from November 27, 2014 at 10am to December 4 at 5pm, Paris time, 24 hours a day. It is possible to vote from any computer connected to the internet in the place of one's choice (work, home).
Fitted voting areas with one or two computers will be made available on December 4, 2014 for voting in higher education and research establishments. Any voter with his or her voting notice can go to any space.
1. From Monday September 22 2014: opening of the voter space.
2. From Tuesday October 28: consultation of candidate lists and professions de foi.
Posting on the 4th floor.
3. Tuesday, September 4 to Wednesday, November 12: receipt of voting notice with voter ID.
4. Thursday, November 27 to Thursday, December 4: electronic voting.
The results of the 2014 professional elections will be available for consultation from the evening of Friday, December 5.
Help and assistance
Contact the Inalco Human Resources Director, on the 4th floor.