Colloquium "Publishing in exile under authoritarian regimes in Central Europe (1918-1989)", June 1-2

Organized by the Centre de Recherches Europes-Eurasie-CREE (Inalco) with the support of the Conseil scientifique de l'Inalco, the Réseau Transfopress (CHCSC / Université Paris-Saclay) and the Czech Center.
Thursday, June 1 and Friday, June 2, 2023 - Maison de la recherche - Auditorium Dumézil
Inalco - 2, rue de lille - 75007 Paris
Thursday, June 1 - 09:30 - 18:00
Friday, June 2 - 10:00 - 16:00
Design and coordination: Catherine Servant (CREE / Inalco) and Nicolas Pitsos (BULAC, CREE / Inalco)
Free admission subject to availability.
From the end of the Great War to the end of the Cold War, authoritarian regimes came to power in a series of countries around the world, particularly in medieval Europe. Beyond the ideological specificities associated with these political sequences, what these regimes had in common was an abolition of the democratic and liberal functioning of society, leading to the formation of groups of rebels and dissidents, some of whom went into exile, notably to France, in order to escape persecution and express themselves more freely. Medieval European countries also became places of refuge for dissidents trying to escape certain dictatorial regimes.
Publishing played a decisive role among the activities developed by these resistance fighters in exile. From Paris to New York, from Berlin to Rome, from Prague to Bucharest, this publishing phenomenon is an object of study in its own right, as well as a privileged observatory for gaining a better understanding of the various forms of dissidence expressed through it. The aim is also to understand Medieval Europe as both a place of departure for dissidents going into exile elsewhere in the world, and a place of welcome for certain exiled editions. While publishers' ideological orientations vary according to the political situation in their countries of departure, linguistic practices also vary considerably. Allophone publishing, i.e. publications in languages other than those established/recognized as official and/or minority in the area in which they are published, occupies an important place in this corpus.
Scientific Committee:
Piotr Biłos (CREE / Inalco), Étienne Boisserie (CREE / Inalco), Diana Cooper-Richet (CHCSC / Université Paris-Saclay), Iryna Dmytrychyn (CREE / Inalco), Benjamin Guichard (Bulac), Jiří Hnilica (Czech Center), Aleksandra Kolaković (Institute of Political Studies, Belgrade), Anne Madelain (CREE / Inalco), Antoine Marès (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne/UMR SIRICE), Françoise Mayer (Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier), Nicolas Pitsos (Bulac / CREE), Catherine Servant (CREE / Inalco), Marie Vrinat-Nikolov (CREE / Inalco).