Colloquium: "Perceptions of the war and its aftermath in the Middle East (1918-1923): Experiences, narratives, re-construction of identities and perspectives".

In the midst of the many wars in the Middle East, the aim of this colloquium is to think, or re-think, the post-war period in the Middle East, and especially the exit from Empire and the transition to nation-states. We will focus on the period after the Armistices of 1918, which has been dissociated from the Great War by Western observers.
Focusing on individual perceptions of the war, the various forms of confrontation and the future end of the war, through a bottom-up, human-level approach, we will pay particular attention to individual narratives, accounting for the way in which a plurality of actors, of varied ethnic origin, belonging to diverse communities and plural Middle Eastern territories experienced these events.
Document attached.
- Anne-Claire Bonneville (CERMOM, Inalco)
- Odile Moreau (CRISES, Université Paul Valery Montpellier 3)
Programme du jour (333.66 KB, .docx)
Affiche (205.44 KB, .pdf)