Asia-Pacific: what regional dynamics after the pandemic?

Thursday, September 23 at 6:30pm at the Inalco auditorium, 65 rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris.
The debate will also be broadcast live on YouTube.
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Globalization has suffered the successive blows of the financial crisis in 2008 and the pandemic in 2020. The dynamics of global trade have slowed considerably, and international value chains are in upheaval. Today's watchwords are supplier diversification, relocation and regionalization of production, and a return to greater economic sovereignty. The acceleration of digitalization and new technologies is reinforcing this movement by calling into question the traditional foundations of the international division of labor.
Asia occupies a special place in this vast transformation. It pursued and accelerated its regional integration after the 2008 financial crisis. After slowing down for a while in 2018, the momentum of Asian trade is picking up again. Asia has powerful assets to successfully regionalize and take advantage of today's technological shifts. It has become the only continent developing an active regional free trade policy.
However, it faces two threats: on the one hand, the abrupt weakening of South Asia, and India in particular, which is putting a stop to its integration into Asian trade; and on the other, the Sino-American conflict, which may lead to a dislocation of Asian value chains, particularly in the IT sector.
This conference will put the economic and commercial dynamics at work in the Asia-Pacific region into perspective. What are the new mutations of globalization? How is Asia participating in these new mutations in world trade? What is the impact of Sino-American rivalry on the rest of Asia?
With :
- Deniz Ünal, economist and editor-in-chief of the Panorama collection at CEPII (Centre d'études prospectives et d'information internationale)
- Hubert Testard, specialist in the Asian economy, lecturer at Sciences Po and former financial advisor in Asia
- Pierre-Antoine Donnet, journalist and author of a book on the confrontation between China and the United States, will discuss the impact of Sino-American rivalry on the rest of Asia
Moderation: Joris Zylberman, co-founder and editor-in-chief of Asialyst, former China correspondent for RFI and France 24
Co-organizers: Inalco and, the news and analysis website for Asia