Announcement of the CESSMA Maghreb/Middle East seminar
23 March 2022
This seminar is organized by the Centre d'études en sciences sociales sur les mondes africains, américains et asiatiques (CESSMA).

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We are pleased to inform you of the upcoming activities of the Maghreb/Middle East area of the Centre d'études sur les mondes africains, américains et asiatiques (CESSMA) that may be of interest to some of our members and in particular to CERMOM master's and doctoral students:
- April 1, 2:00-4:00 pm, Inalco, Salle 3.04 or zoom. Presentation and discussion of Laetitia Bucaille and Agnés Villechaise's book, Désirs d'Islam. Portrait d'une minorité religieuse en France. Zoom link Meeting ID: 969 2067 1242 / Code secret: 016924.
- April 26, 14:00-15:00, Médiathèque de la Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme (MMSH) or zoom. Discussion of the book by Peter Limbrick (University of California, Santa Cruz) Arab modernism as World cinema. The films of Moumen Smihi. Interview conducted by Mériam Cheikh as part of the Livres & Mam cycle. Organized by the Institut de recherche sur les momdes arabes et musulmans (Iremam) in collaboration with Cessma. Zoom link Meeting ID: 878 3075 5575 / Secret code: 573120. For more information:
- May 30 and 31, 9:00-18:00, Inalco (Pôle des langues et civilisation), room 3.15. Study days: Beyond the buying and selling of sex. Decompartmentalizing prostitution studies. Organized by Pascale Absi (Cessma-Ird), Mériam Cheikh (Cessma-Inalco) and Nicolas Lainez (Cessma-Ird). While we await the program (see the Cessma page), here's a link to the now-closed call for papers.
- June 30, 9:00-18:00, EHESS - CETOBAC, Journée d'étude : Faire famille au Maghreb et en diaspora. Regards historiques et anthropologiques. Organized by Mériam Cheikh (Inalco-Cessma) and Sarra Zaïed (Cetobac-Ehess). The final program will be sent shortly (see the Cessma page).
Mériam Cheikh (CESSMA/Inalco)
Sarra Zaïed (EHESS/Cetobac)