30 is the average age of Inalco students in 2013/2014

21 October 2021


The shock figure: 42.5%!
Only 42.5% of Inalco's student population is under 25, whereas in higher education, over 80% of students are under 25.
Chiffre décembre
Chiffre décembre © Inalco‎
Contenu central

Here are a few figures relating to the age pyramid of Inalco students.

  • The average age of a student at Inalco is 30, whereas the national average in higher education is 22 (1).Indeed, in higher education over 80% of students are under 25. At Inalco, students under the age of 25 represent just 42.5% of the student population.
  • In 2013/2014, the youngest and oldest students at Inalco are 17 (enrolled in the Swahili minor) and 85 (enrolled in the Literal Arabic passport) respectively.

Inalco's student population has very specific characteristics:
- Neo baccalaureate holders are few in number, accounting for just 7.6% of the population.
- Students entering Inalco who have already studied are numerous; around 40.5%.
- Salaried students studying at Inalco number 1,919 or 24%.
- Non-salaried students returning to school number 508 or 6.4%.
- Inalco students enrolled at another institution number 446 or 5.6%.

(1) source : observatoire national de la vie étudiante.

Inalco student age pyramid

Pyramide des ages des etudiants de l_Inalco
Pyramide des âges des étudiants de l'Inalco © Inalco‎

Distribution of Inalco student age groups by degree type

- 68% of students under 29 are enrolled in bachelor's degrees.
- 29-40 year olds: 34% are enrolled in bachelor's degrees and 36% in institutional degrees.
- 41-60 year olds: 34% are enrolled in bachelor's degrees and 40% in institutional degrees.
- 41-60 year olds: 34% are enrolled in bachelor's degrees and 40% in institutional degrees.
- over 60 year olds: 43.4% are enrolled in bachelor's degrees and 43.4% in institutional degrees.

Average ages by degree type

Age moyen par type de diplome
Age moyen par type de diplôme © Inalco‎