2021-2022 doctoral seminar: "Semitic Linguistics - Language Contact in the Mediterranean".
Find below the program of sessions for the year 2021-2022.

This seminar is monthly and takes place on the first Thursday of the month (except for the first two sessions) from 4:30pm to 7:00pm at PLC, 65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris 13ème (for rooms see below).
The doctoral seminar on "Semitic Linguistics and Language Contact in the Mediterranean", since 2014, has brought together Cermom researchers and PhD students whose object of study is the languages of the ancient and modern Near East. The approach of the participating researchers is multifaceted: theoretical and formal linguistics, descriptive linguistics based on field studies, sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, history of grammar. The aim of the seminar is to create a space for exchange that is both flexible and precise, with a dual training and research objective: to circulate knowledge and enrich analyses by bringing together different points of view on a given issue. To achieve its training objective, the seminar generally includes a presentation by a PhD or Master 2 student on his or her research, in addition to a presentation by an established researcher.
The seminar is a monthly event lasting two to two and a half hours. It takes place on the first Thursday of the month from 4:30 to 7:00 pm, with special arrangements for certain months. There is no unifying theme. Our seminar is shared with the linguistics master's program, and is coded in the new master's syllabus as ARAA520D.
The seminar is open to all doctoral students whose field of study is a Near Eastern language, and to all doctoral students in general linguistics. It is also open to M2 students.
- MONDAY NOVEMBER 15, 2021, Room 5.12 from 17:00 to 19:00
- Bruno HÉRIN (Eastern Arabic / Inalco) :Indialectal contact in Syrian Neo-Aramaic
- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2021, Room 4.16 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
- Nina Van KAMPEN (PhD student / Inalco): Maintaining and leveling salient features: effects of contact between Palestinians in Beirut
- THURSDAY 3 FEBRUARY 2022, Room 5.20 from 4:30pm to 7:00pm
- Georgine AYOUB (Literary Arabic / Inalco): Polysemia and polycategoriality: the case of mā in literary Arabic
- Julien SIBILEAU (PhD student / Inalco): Some reflections on the birth of Arabic grammar
- THURSDAY MARCH 3, 2022, Room 5.20 from 16:30 to 19:00
- Stephan PROCHAZKA (Dialectal Arabic / University of Vienna): How useful is the dichotomy "Bedouin versus Sedentary" for Arabic dialectology?
- Jean lOWENSTAMM (Semitic linguistics/Paris 7) : mutaḥarrik and sākin
- THURSDAY APRIL 7, 2022, Room 5.20 from 16:30 to 19:00
- Martin ZAMMIT (Maltese / University of Malta): Maltese in Arabic Guise: Which alphabet for Maltese?
- ALessia Prioletta (Attaché de Recherche / CNRS) :Le thamoudéen de Hima
- THURSDAY MAY 12, 2022, Room 5.20 from 16:30 to 19:00
- Uri HORESH (Sociolinguistique Arabe Levantin / Achva Academic College): The questionable role of language genealogy in Arabic-Hebrew contact
- Henri BENSARIA (Arabe oriental / Inalco): The Arabic language of Bcharri and Dayr al-Aḥmar
- THURSDAY JUNE 2, 2022, Room 5.20 from 16:30 to 19:00
- Hana CHAZLI (Oriental Arabic / M2 Inalco): The Arabic speech of Korkamiti
- Pauline MILAN (Oriental Arabic / M2 Inalco): Le parler arabe de Ras Baalbek
- Brekey JAD (Oriental Arabic / M2 Inalco) :Qad values: a comparative classical Arabic / modern Arabic study
- THURSDAY JUNE 16, 2022, Room 5.20 from 4:30 to 7:00 pm
- Radwa FATHI: Some myths about the vowel system of Egyptian Arabic
Georgine AYOUB (CERMOM, Inalco)
Bruno HÉRIN (CERMOM, Inalco)
Contacts: georgine.ayoub@inalco.fr and bruno.herin@inalco.fr