Join the Foundation

The Inalco Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of its recruitment campaign. Created on October 1, 2021, the Inalco Foundation is now fully operational. Its first year of operation has seen it succeed more quickly than expected, with top-tier donors committing to major projects. With the support of Inalco and the French public authorities, it is now ready to scale up by building a team of the right size for its ambitions.

Inalco and its Foundation



Created in 1795, the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (also known colloquially as Langues O') is the only public institution of higher education and research in the world to offer such a rich range of training in languages and civilizations, recognized both in France and internationally. From bachelor's degrees to doctorates and institutional diplomas, Inalco's offer is characterized by its great diversity, with more than 103 languages and civilizations taught and several professional streams. It provides the school's 9,000 or so students with a high-level, research-based education focused on professional integration.


Inalco teaches and conducts research on the languages of Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Oceania, Africa and the peoples of America, as well as on the geography, history, institutions, political, economic and social life of the countries concerned, brought together under the term areal studies. In addition, its scientific heritage and a reservoir of expertise on an exceptional number of languages fuel a renowned research activity in the field of language sciences.

Strengthened by an academic community of 1250 teachers and teacher-researchers, research is supported by 14 research laboratoriessome of which are co-supervised with research organizations including the CNRS.


In a constantly redefining global environment, Inalco proposes to provide society with tools for autonomous analysis and decision-making, to contribute to the diffusion of knowledgeand to the animation of French and European places in its fields of expertise.

Inalco's Mission is consubstantial with the pluralityof opinions and convictions associated with scientific impartiality, thesafeguarding of knowledge and people, the dialogue of cultures, and equality in law and opportunity.

The Foundation

Inalco has decided to set up a partnership Foundation to support its development.

its statutory missions are to:

  • Promote the Institute's missions: teaching, research, society.
  • Promote the influence and reputation of Inalco.
  • Contribute to enhancing the value of its tangible and intangible assets.
  • Nourish its strategy.Foster creativity, exploration and the implementation of innovative initiatives.

His areas of intervention are to:

  • Raise funds, the Foundation will be the focal point for French & international philanthropic contributions to Inalco.
  • Develop innovative projects with a view to co-construction and co-realization both with teacher-researchers within Inalco and with external partners and patrons.
  • Incorporating the identity and promoting the reputation of Inalco through the development of contacts with the outside world and the organization of events in particular

His trajectory

The Inalco Foundation is today fully operational.

His first fiscal year, ending December 31, 2022, has met with success much faster than expected with the commitment of first-tier donors for first-rate projects.

This is why the Foundation, with the support of the French public authorities, wishes to change scale with the constitution of a team of adequate size for its ambitions.

The following positions are currently open

Fiche CP Fondation 2 (1.68 MB, .pdf)

Fiche de poste Chargé.e de gestion de projet