Archive: Colloquia, Study Days and Proceedings

Archive : Colloques et Comptes-rendus d' événements passés
October 4, 2022
<► International colloquium: "Berber theater. Textual and aesthetic analysis" - October 4, 2022
Maison de Recherche, 2 rue de Lille, room: Auditorium, 9am-6pm
The international colloquium on Amazigh theater will be an opportunity to develop a nuanced discourse on the ambitions of Amazigh theater and its textual and aesthetic analysis by addressing several open questions concerning its current development: What are the contemporary plays and creators/actors? What are their strategies in relation to the language of plays? Is the debate between everyday language (with borrowings from Arabic and French) and standardized, "purified" language (recovering old, obsolete words and renovating the vocabulary of the local variant with neologisms) still an issue for the work of Amazigh theater creators and actors? Is there a renewal of themes and characters? Is the contribution of international theater diminishing or increasing? What is the role and position of actresses and female characters in contemporary Amazigh theater? Have the new social, political and economic conditions for Berber in the Maghreb after the 2000s led to a revitalization of Amazigh theater?
Organization: Daniela Merolla (PU) and Amar Ameziane (Docteur)
Lacnad, Inalco, Paris
contact: and
Location: Inalco, Maison de la recherche, 2 rue de Lille 75007 Paris
► Round table on contemporary Kabyle literature - May 27, 2020
Contemporary Kabyle literature is booming. This renewal of the Kabyle literary landscape deserves in-depth analysis. As a first approach, the round table aims to interact with well-known Berber writers in this literary field with the aim of gaining insights into their act of writing in Kabyle, the conditions under which they produce their texts, their thematic and aesthetic choices, in order to develop new questions and organize a colloquium in 2021.
Organization: Daniela Merolla (PU), Amar Améziane (Docteur), and Fourali Yasmina (Doctorante)
Lacnad, Inalco, Paris
contact: and
Location: Inalco, Maison de la recherche, 2 rue de Lille 75007 Paris
► Journée d'études : La phraséologie berbère : état de la question, approches et dimensions appliquées - 29 mai 2020
It is commonly accepted that figment is an inescapable element in the description of natural languages (Mejri, 2005) and whose importance has long remained unrecognized within general linguistics. In the Berber domain, despite the importance of frozen sequences in the language and their massive use in everyday language practices, the theme of phraseology has been a latecomer to studies. We had to wait for the first academic work entitled "Les locutions verbales kabyles : Etude linguistique et corpus" by Taleb (1996). This study day is an opportunity to discuss and question the current state of research in the field of Berber phraseology, its evolution, terminological issues and prospects.
Organization: Driss Rabih (PhD student), Kamal Naït Zerad (PU)
Lacnad, Inalco, Paris
Location: Inalco, Maison de la recherche, 2 rue de Lille 75007 Paris
► Journée d'études: La langue amazighe dans la Libye post-Kadhafi - 19 juin 2020…
The Amazigh movement in Libya made a noticeable irruption during the 2011 uprising and took opinion and observers by surprise. Rooted in society, it has brought new expression and action to several levels. During this study day, we'll be looking at the place of the Amazigh language and its teaching in the Berber-speaking regions of Libya. The teaching of the Berber language during the war in 2011, the introduction of teaching in the primary cycle in 2012 and the opening of the Berber Studies Department at the Zouara Faculty of Arts (Zaouiya University), among other topics, will be addressed during the day.
Organization: Masin Ferkal (PhD student) and Kamal. Naït Zerad (PU)
Lacnad, Inalco, Paris
Location: Inalco, Maison de la recherche, 2 rue de Lille 75007 Paris
► Study day "Arabic dialects in a typological perspective", November 29, 2019…
This study day on Arabic linguistics organized by the CERMOM, LACNAD (Inalco) and SEDYL (CNRS-IRD-Inalco) research teams will intersect two fields of linguistic research: "dialectology" and "linguistic typology". It will bring together linguists working on Arabic varieties spoken in different geographical contexts and specialists in linguistic typology. Friday November 29 at Inalco.
The research teams CERMOM - Centre de recherche Moyen-Orient Méditerranée, LACNAD - Langues et Cultures du Nord de l'Afrique et Diasporas (Inalco) and SEDYL - Structure et dynamique des langues (CNRS-IRD-Inalco) are jointly organizing a study day devoted to Arabic linguistics.
Organization: Bruno Herin (Inalco - CERMOM) ; Christophe Pereira (Inalco - LACNAD) ; Stefano Manfredi (CNRS - SEDYL)
Inalco - 65 rue des Grands Moulins - 75013 Paris
► Digital humanities and "Verba Africana": orality, media, and the sharing of scientific knowledge. International symposium. INALCO. December 20 and 21, 2018.
Organization : Daniela Merolla
Inalco - 65 rue des Grands Moulins - 75013 Paris
► Film and discussion with the director. Electric pastorals by Ivan Boccara. december 12.2018.
Organization: Daniela Merolla
Inalco - 65 rue des Grands Moulins - 75013 Paris
► Journée d'étude Le Théâtre kabyle : histoire, mémoire, avenir , 14 décembre 2017,…
Organization: Saïd Doumani, Daniela Merolla and Kamal Naït-Zerad.
INALCO, 2 rue de Lille, Paris.
► Films and discussion with the directors - March 29, 2017.
"Fadma n'Soumer" (Thursday, March 30)
"Tinghir-Jerusalem. Echoes from the mellah" (Thursday, March 30)
"China is still far away" (Friday, March 31)
Cycle la Mémoire et l'Histoire dans les Cinémas Maghrébins. Festival des Civilisations
Organization for LACNAD: Daniela Merolla
Inalco, Paris, March 25-31
► Proceedings of the International Study Day "Les cinémas berbères: de la méconnaissance aux festivals nationaux. African comparisons" - October 19, 2016
Compte-rendu Cinémas berbères 2019 (203.92 KB, .pdf)
On October 19, 2016, a study day on Amazigh cinema was held at Inalco, organized by Lacnad. The day, which was intended as a reflection on recent developments in film in Berber languages, brought together university researchers from various countries (France, Canada, Algeria, Morocco).
Organization:Daniela Merolla (PU), Kamal Naït Zerad (PU), Amar Ameziane (Docteur)
INALCO, 2 rue de Lille, Paris