Sharing research through scientific mediation
![Dans une galerie d'exposition une femme raconte une oeuvre aux visiteurs](
- Sarah Mohamed-Gaillard, lecturer in contemporary history (Inalco / CESSMA)
- Lia Wei, lecturer in the history of the arts of China (Inalco / IFRAE)
This third session of the 2024 edition of the seminar "Science ouverte, avec et pour la société, et humanités numériques" will focus on bringing science and society closer together through scientific mediation. This mediation work makes it possible to disseminate research to non-specialists in order to raise their awareness, and can take on several formats: exhibition, game, workshop, screening, etc.
To illustrate this, we'll welcome Sarah Mohamed-Gaillard, who last year took part in the programming of documentary films and debates on Oceania as part of the Regards Comparés in partnership with the Jean Rouch festival (medallist for scientific mediation by the CNRS), and Lia Wei, who organized two exhibitions on the art de l'encre and the Chinese stamps in the Pôle des langues et civilisations Galerie.
The two speakers will present their approaches to setting up these scientific mediation actions, for example with the involvement of partners or the support of students. Afterwards, there will be time for discussion with participants.
Upcoming sessions
Session 4: "Valuing research via the media", April 2024
Session 5: "Alternative writing: comics", May 2024
Session 6: "What is citizen science?", June 2024