Alternative world orders: Chinese and Russian perspectives

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Genia Kostka (Freie Universität) and Francesca Musiani (CNRS), two international scholars at the cutting edge of social science research on contemporary China and Russia, will engage in a dialogue to shed light on the digital tools and official discourses that these two authoritarian states are using to challenge an international order largely dominated by the US.
chiffre et lettres dans un écran pC
Série de codes © Juliette Genevaz‎

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the international community has witnessed a rapprochement between Russia and China, two states who claim to reshape the international balance of power. Genia Kostka (Freie Universität, Berlin) and Francesca Musiani (CNRS), two international scholars at the cutting edge of social science research on contemporary China and Russia, will engage in a dialogue to shed light on the digital tools and official discourses that these two authoritarian states are using to challenge an international order largely dominated by the US.

Genia Kostka is Professor of Chinese Politics at the Freie Universität Berlin. Her research focuses on China’s digital transformation, environmental politics and political economy. Her most recent research project explores how digital technologies are integrated into local decision-making and governance structures in China (ERC Starting Grant 2020-2025). Her work has appeared in leading area studies and social science journals including Comparative Political StudiesJournal of PoliticsRegulation & Governance, Big Data & Society, New Media & Society, Environmental Politics, and The China Quarterly.

Francesca Musiani has a PhD in the socio-economics of innovation (MINES ParisTech, 2012) and is qualified to direct research in sociology (Sciences Po Paris, 2022). She has been a CNRS research fellow since 2014, and deputy director of the CNRS Centre Internet et Société (UPR 2000), which she co-founded with Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay in 2019. She is also a research associate at the Centre de sociologie de l'innovation (i3/MINES ParisTech) and a Global Fellow at the Internet Governance Lab at American University in Washington, DC.
