Admissions and equivalencies - Chinese studies
Further information on the application procedures and timetables for these various scholarships and grants can be found in the brochure below and at Office 3.37 of INALCO's International Relations Department.
Mobility brochure to China and Taiwan for the year 2024-2025
Brochure_RI_CHINE_2024_25 (530.52 KB, .pdf)
Requests for global validation or equivalence of CE obtained in China
Requests for global validation or equivalence of CE obtained in China
In the context of a stay in China or Taiwan of at least one semester, it is possible, once during the Chinese Licence, to request the global validation, without grade, of the language, civilization (fundamental, disciplinary, and in-depth) and opening courses of semester S3 or S4 or S5 of thelicence Parcours Régional only.
* The situation created by the Covid 19 pandemic will likely limit this possibility to S4 in 2021-22.
For the licence Parcours Thématique or disciplinary and for licenses in professionalizing streams, only UE1 and UE2 will be able to be validated. It is essential to consult the precise procedures for this request, detailed in the brochure Formation Licence LLCER et Diplômes d'établissement chinois, and to download the Demande de validation globale d'un semestre form, which you should send to the Department secretariat (secré at the end of the semester concerned, together with the attestations (mentioning the number of hours of each course taken, attendance and grades obtained) provided by your host university.
Demande_validation_globale_dun_semestre (.doc / 40.00KB)
In all other cases, or for an additional semester of study in China or Taiwan, it is possible to have validated on your return a certain number of CEs by equivalence, with note. It is imperative that you consult the precise terms of this procedure, detailed in the brochureFormation Licence LLCER et Diplômes d'établissement chinois, and download the Demande d'équivalences avec notes form, which you should send to the Department secretariat (secré at the end of the semester concerned, together with the attestations (mentioning the number of hours of each course taken, attendance and grades obtained) provided by your host university. Equivalences with grades will be granted after you have been invited to a 15-minute interview with the equivalence jury at the beginning of September, before classes resume. During this interview, you will be asked to present the textbooks used, written productions and any other material enabling the jury to assess the work provided during your stay.
Application for equivalence_EC_with grades (.docx / 26.01Ko)
L1 Chinese: Chinese language reinforcement waived (CHI1A15a and CHI1B15a)
L1 Chinese: Chinese language reinforcement waived (CHI1A15a and CHI1B15a)
Please read carefully the note below, for the exemption of the Chinese reinforcement module CHIA111d and CHIB111d:
Note exemption reinforcement L1 Chinese (.pdf / 13.37Ko)
You can then download the printout and return it with the proof, to the Chinese pedagogical secretariat:
printout exemption reinforcement L1 Chinese (.pdf / 68.83Ko)
L2 Chinese: exemption from Chinese language reinforcement (CHI2A15a and CHI2B15a)
L2 Chinese: exemption from Chinese language reinforcement (CHI2A15a and CHI2B15a)
Please read the note below carefully, for exemption from the Chinese reinforcement module CHIA210g and CHIB210g:
Note exemption reinforcement L2 Chinese (.pdf / 11.82Kb)
You can then download the form and return it, along with the proof, to the pedagogical secretariat:
Imprimé dispense renforcement L2 chinois (.pdf / 67.89Kb)
Annals of the orientation test
Annals of the orientation test
Annales Test d'Orientation:
- 2012 - test orientation (.pdf / 356.23Ko)
- 2013 - test orientation (.pdf / 440.58KB)
- 2014 - test orientation (.pdf / 487.29KB)