Inalco publication - September October 2018

Publication de l'Inalco - septembre octobre 2018
Publication de l'Inalco - septembre octobre 2018 © Inalco‎

Presses de l'Inalco

Le Piège de l'orgueil - Satenig Batwagan Toufanian
Collection Asie(S)
A study and translation of one of the first draft constitutions for Armenia produced in Madras in the 18th century, oriented towards the search for a rational basis for politics and the formation of a state of law.

Les Institutions de l'amour : cour, amour, mariage - Catherine Capdeville-Zeng, Delphine Ortis (dir.)
Collection Asie(S)
This book reports on the multiple compromises made by different societies in Asia (China, Korea, Japan, Nepal, India) and the Indian Ocean (Madagascar) to navigate between individual expressions of love, inspired by Western practices, and the social norms that strongly control them.

Chypre : Les Espoirs du rapprochement communautaire - Alexandre Lapierre
Collection Méditerranée(S)
Despite failures at the top, the division of the island has provoked in each of the two majority communities, Greek and Turkish, a gradual modification of identity logics. Against this backdrop, initiatives to bring the two communities closer together have multiplied through associations, cultural and academic exchanges and literary expression, in parallel with political negotiations. Can public opinion change and play a role?

New energies, autonomous territories? - Gilles Lepesant (dir.)
Collection Transaire(S)
London, Aberdeen, Malmö, Germany, Japan... so many cases that illustrate the diversity of approaches chosen by local actors to play a role in the transformation of energy systems. Drawing on geography, political science, history, architecture and law, this collective work illustrates the extent to which liberalization of the energy sector has led to a recomposition of partnerships between local public players, states and the private sector.

La Marche de Cao Bằng - Nguyễn Thị Hải
Collection Asie(S)
Situated on the border of northern Vietnam and endowed with a rugged relief, the province of Cao Bằng, country of the Tày, has long been considered a remote, barbaric, unhealthy and potentially dangerous area for the Kinh coming from the delta. This retrospective study offers a fresh look at the process of integrating the frontier marches of northern Vietnam and the difficulties encountered by the court of Hué in its management of the frontier regions.


Other publishers

Couverture de The numeral system of Proto-Niger-Congo A step-by-step reconstruction
Couverture de The numeral system of Proto-Niger-Congo A step-by-step reconstruction © DR‎

The numeral system of Proto-Niger-Congo: A step-by-step reconstruction - Konstantin Pozdniakov
Language Science Press - 2018 - 436 pages - 978-3961100996
This book proposes the reconstruction of the Proto-Niger-Congo numeral system. The emphasis is placed on providing an exhaustive account of the distribution of forms by families, groups, and branches. The big data bases used for this purpose open prospects for both working with the distribution of words that do exist and with the distribution of gaps in postulated cognates. The distribution of filled cells and gaps is a useful tool for reconstruction.

Couverture de Histoire de la République Populaire de Chine de Mao Zedong à Xi Jinping
Couverture de Histoire de la République Populaire de Chine de Mao Zedong à Xi Jinping © DR‎

History of the People's Republic of China: from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping - Alain Roux and Xiaohong Xiao-Planes
Armand Colin. Collection U. Paris. 2018. 346 pages
How and why did China, one of the world's poorest countries when the Communists came to power, become the world's second-largest economic power in just a few decades, and the only one able to challenge American hegemony? This handbook hides nothing of the exorbitant price paid to achieve this result, nor of the threats currently hanging over Chinese growth, but its authors hope to help readers understand one of the major enigmas of our time.

Couverture de L'Émigration : Du fait social à la coutume
Couverture de L'Émigration : Du fait social à la coutume © DR‎

L'Émigration : Du fait social à la coutume- Frosa Pejoska-Bouchereau
P.I.E-Peter Lang S.A., Editions Scientifiques Internationales - 2018 - 188 pages
So-called economic emigration is of particular interest to economists, historians, and sociologists. However, the permanence of the phenomenon in prosperous economic conditions disorients these researchers. In an unprecedented move, the author uses oral tradition (songs, tales, proverbs, beliefs and rituals) to rethink key concepts such as emigration, custom, identity and resistance, using the example of Macedonian emigration - the pechalba - under the Ottoman Empire. The book describes and analyzes the conditions under which emigration, a social fact imposed by a situation of domination, is transformed into a ritualized custom integrated into the community's customary system, and reflects on the new meaning of this phenomenon. Despite the absence of the men who emigrated and became "foreigners", the Macedonian peasants under domination managed to preserve their community identity and a space of freedom. By means of a ritualized to-and-fro movement, they safeguarded their patriarchal social mode of being and their customary rules. In this case, the types of domination and their evolution are less important than the hidden forms of resistance. The study is based on the pechalba, but is not limited to the geographical area of Macedonia, nor to the Balkan region: Albania, Bulgaria, Greece. It extends to Africa, France, Poland, Portugal and Turkey, with the aim of demonstrating the transnational and transhistorical scope of this migratory phenomenon. It's an innovative approach that offers a new way of looking at migration.