ERTIM PhD students

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ERTIM is a host team at the crossroads of multilingual engineering and automatic language processing. Its main aims are research in text semantics for applications, the development of methodologies for the engineering of multilingual texts and digital documents, and the production of multilingual resources (lexical, terminological, textual, didactic).

Within the ERTIM team, doctoral research lies at the crossroads of the laboratory's traditional issues: multilingualism, linguistic engineering, electronic document declined on different media (web, mobile, etc.).

Most doctoral students currently working on their theses are funded by partner companies (ARISEM, AMI Software) through CIFRE grants, research contracts or ATER-type funding.

Listed below are the works of doctoral students currently working on their theses within the ERTIM team, as well as the theses of doctoral students who have already defended their theses:

Automatic transcription of Armenian: phonetic and grammatical...
Automatic classification of consumers according to personality and...
Detecting news on social networks - Yizhou Xu
Development of NLP tools for a variety of Quechua languages - Johanna Cordova
Automated analysis of naming processes in corpora
Detecting influencers in a selection of social media - Kevin Deturck
Developing a localized terminology to help migrants access the law...
Lexical frequency and readability of L2 texts: a comparative study....
Development of linguistic methods for data mining...
Textual analysis of ecological discourse corpora related to wu mai....
Methodology for semi-automated textual discourse analysis...
Text legibility and automatic content search....
Text mining methods for characterizing political opinions...
Methods and tools for the automatic processing of Vietnamese - application in...
Chinese-language extraction of spatio-temporalized actions performed by...
Acquisition of verbal predicative patterns in Japanese - Pierre MARCHAL
Text semantics and language-culture didactics: ...
From unstructured to structured data...
Evolution of buzz on the Internet - identification, analysis, modeling and...
Unsupervised interactive lexicon extraction in contemporary Chinese applied to...
Semantic characterization of subjectivity in texts for...
Measuring social distance in experience narratives from discussion forums...