Election of student representatives to the CNESER
Elections for student representatives on the Conseil national de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (CNESER) will take place, by post, between June 5 and June 16, 2023.
11 students sit on the CNESER. They are elected for a 2-year term.
Only students elected as grand electors to the Inalco Board of Directors and Scientific Council may vote in the elections for student representatives to the CNESER.
What is the CNESER?
The Conseil national de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (National Council for Higher Education and Research) represents public scientific, cultural and professional establishments and public research establishments, on the one hand, and major national interests on the other, particularly educational, cultural, scientific, economic and social interests.
The CNESER is a consultative body and a jurisdictional body (rules on appeals from decisions handed down in the first instance by the disciplinary sections of EPSCPs and, where applicable, in the first instance).
Advisory function
In particular, the CNESER gives its opinion on:
- national strategies for higher education and research, and biennial reports to Parliament.
- State reports to European institutions on the implementation of European strategies for higher education and research. - the distribution of jobs and resources between institutions.
- proposed reforms to the organization of research
- draft reforms concerning scientific employment
- the national training framework, the list of national diplomas, and accreditation procedures and applications
- the higher education and research map
- the creation, suppression or regrouping of establishments or components
- list of training courses
Disciplinary function
The CNESER also has a disciplinary function
It rules on appeals and as a last resort on disciplinary decisions taken by the competent university bodies in respect of teacher-researchers and teachers.
Introduce yourself
Application period open until May 10, 2023
This is a list ballot.
Candidate lists are national.
Each list ensures parity between men and women and includes a number of titular and substitute candidates equal to the number of titular and substitute seats to be filled (11 titulars and 11 substitutes).
Each list of titular candidates is alternately made up of one candidate of each sex. All candidates on a list, whether full or alternate, must be registered in a different establishment.
No one may be a candidate on more than one list.
Collection of voting material
Voting material will be collected from the Legal and Institutional Affairs Department (office 4.41) personally by grand electors or their proxies with proof of identity, from Tuesday May 30 to Tuesday June 13, 2023 from 9:30am to 12:30pm and 2pm to 6pm. No voting material will be sent by post.
A power of attorney to collect voting materials can be obtained on request from the legal affairs department (affaires.juridiques@inalco.fr).
A proxy form will be sent to the principal electronically.
The duly completed and signed proxy form must be returned electronically by the principal, who must provide proof of identity by sending a copy of his or her student card and identity document.
The possibility of giving a mandate to receive the voting material intended for him/her is open to all voters until Monday May 15, 2023 at 12 noon.
It is reminded that the proxy must be a student regularly enrolled in the same institution and that no one may be the bearer of more than one proxy.
Ministerial orders organizing the election
Ministerial orders organizing the election
Ministerial decree of February 24, 2023 on the organization of elections of grand electors
Arrêté grands électeurs (.pdf / 780.33KB)
Ministerial order of February 24, 2023 organizing the election of student representatives to the CNESER
Arrêts élections au CNESER (.pdf / 2.48Mo)
Order organizing the election of INALCO's electors
Order organizing the election of INALCO's electors
Proclamation of electors
Proclamation of electors
CNESER application forms
CNESER application forms
Lists and professions of faith
Lists and professions of faith
Lists and professions of faith
Profession of Faith Onde (.pdf / 1.03MB)
Profession of Faith UNI (.pdf / 1.33MB)
Profession de foi FAGE (.pdf / 1.46Mo)
Student Union list (.pdf / 438.52KB)
Profession of faith student union (.pdf / 53.24KB)
Profession de foi UNEF (.pdf / 238.75Ko)