Doing an internship in the Master's programme - International Trade department

Procedure for students of the Master in Management and International Trade.

Internships are compulsory to validate Master 1 and Master 2, unless you are on a sandwich course. These internships enable students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the academic year.
The duration of internships must be between two and four months for Master 1, and four to six months for Master 2.

Begin by submitting to the Director of Studies, Khadija Bayoud (, your request for internship validation. To do so, please provide a detailed description of your tasks within the organization where you will be doing your internship, as well as the planned period of your internship.

Formulaire de demande de validation de projet de stage - Filière CI (27.87 KB, .docx)

The internship agreement is mandatory. It materializes the legal link between the host organization, the university and the student, and must be signed by all three parties.

Internships can be carried out in France or abroad. For abroad, Inalco travel assistance, a grant from the Fondation Pierre Ledoux or the Ile-de-France region may enable the student to have part of the costs covered.

Methodological assistance in finding internships and writing reports as part of the professional communication module is planned during the academic year. This compulsory module is provided for Master 1 and 2 students, whether in initial or sandwich training.

The Course Director will send you the internship agreement and the list of documents to be submitted, these steps must be taken before the internship begins.

At the end of your internship, please send your internship report to the Director of Studies, Ms. Khadija Bayoud (

Be sure to carefully follow the instructions given during the professional communication module sessions for writing and sending your report.

The deadline for submission is August 20 for Master 1 trainee students and December 10 for Master 2 trainee students.

Chronologie alternance et stage 2023-2024 (filière CI) (259.2 KB, .pdf)