Board elections - 1st year students

When and how to vote for student representatives on the Board of Directors and the Scientific Advisory Board.

Voting on the Board of Directors

Election dates: November 27-29, 2023 (1st round) and December 4-6, 2023 (2nd round)

For all the information you need about running for election, you'll find the candidate's guide above:

Guide du candidat (812.26 KB, .pdf)

Who votes?

The mandates of 1st-year student elected representatives are for one year and are coming to an end. New elections must therefore be held to renew their seats.

The following are eligible to vote: students regularly enrolled at Inalco for the preparation of a first-year undergraduate degree (L1) - college of "1st-year undergraduate students".


Posting of electoral lists Monday, November 6, 2023  
Deposit of candidacies (deadlines) From Friday, November 10, 2023 (9am) to Tuesday, November 21, 2023 (12pm)  
  1st round of voting From November 27 to November 29, 2023
2nd ballot December 4-6, 2023  
Counting of votes at the end of the ballot  
Proclamation of results within 3 days of the end of operations  


Number of seats available :

2 seats (2 holders/2 substitutes)

Why vote?

The Board of Directors is one of the central bodies where the institute's general policy is decided and its rules of life determined. Students therefore have an important place on it, and only a high turnout will make your representatives legitimate during debates.

As such, the Board of Directors deliberates on:

- The general orientations of the establishment;
- The teaching and research program and the establishment contract;
- The rules relating to student admission conditions;
- The budget and its modifications;
- The financial account and the allocation of results ;
- The establishment's internal regulations;
- Acquisitions, disposals and exchanges of real estate;
- Borrowings, the acquisition of financial holdings and the creation of subsidiaries;
- Gifts and bequests;
- Legal actions and settlements.

Showing up

The ballot is first-past-the-post, with two rounds.

How do I stand?

Just fill in the application form below.
You must run in pairs (titular and substitute).

Find all the information in the candidate's guide:

Guide candidat élections étudiantes_2023 (812.26 KB, .pdf)

Individual application form

Fiche de candidature (157.54 KB, .pdf)

How to vote?

The elections will take place over the Internet (electronic voting). The students concerned will receive by e-mail an identifier, a link to create a password and the link to the site where the vote will take place. All these elements will be sent to the address provided when you registered.

Please note: if no address has been provided, please contact the school.

Computers will be available in room 6.10


Decision to organize elections
Professions of faith
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