IP cards - Language sciences

IP sheets 2023-2024: IP sheets must be validated by Ms Duvallon and sent by email to: secretariat.sdl@inalco.fr

Please note: Inalco students must complete these IP sheets for all courses they wish to take during the 2023-2024 academic year. For courses run by the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, it is necessary to complete a complementary administrative registration at USN (free of charge, to be done after your registration at Inalco), then a pedagogical registration with the ILPGA pedagogical secretariat. The e-mail addresses of the administrative and pedagogical officers are given in the brochures.

Fiche IP Master 1 SDL 2023-2024 (144.16 KB, .pdf)

Fiche IP M2 SDL Parcours 1 2023-2024 (113.47 KB, .pdf)

Fiche IP M2 SDL Parcours 2 2023-2024 (113.55 KB, .pdf)

Fiche IP M2 SDL Parcours 3 2023-2024 (113.38 KB, .pdf)

Fiche IP M2 SDL Parcours 4 2023-2024 (118.04 KB, .pdf)