Workshop international « Une perspective internationale et interdisciplinaire sur la transformation numérique », le 17 septembre

22 septembre 2021
  • CREE

  • Recherche

Cet atelier vise à mettre en lumière les tendances qui ont caractérisé la transformation numérique des économies en développement et émergentes à travers l'étude des politiques publiques, des stratégies entrepreneuriales, des écosystèmes et des changements sociétaux. Il réunira des chercheurs internationaux issus de diverses disciplines des sciences sociales afin de donner de nouvelles perspectives sur l'étude de la transformation numérique.
Constellation d'étoiles dans le ciel
Communication technology for internet business. Global world network and telecommunication on earth cryptocurrency and blockchain and IoT. © Elements of this image furnished by NASA, Auteur : greenbutterfly‎
Contenu central

Le Centre de recherche Europes-Eurasie-CREE (Inalco) et l'université d'État Lomonossov de Moscou ont le plaisir de vous convier au Workshop virtuel international en anglais intitulé : "Une perspective internationale et interdisciplinaire sur la transformation numérique".

Vendredi 17 septembre 2021 de 8h30 à 13h00 (UTC +2 Paris) - Evénement en visioconférence (voir ci-dessous)

Cet événement sera accéssiblement uniquement virtuellement, voici les codes de connexion :


ID de réunion :
 848 4328 3523

Code secret : 121670

An International and Interdisciplinary Perspective on Digital Transformation : The Case of Developing and Emerging Economies

The social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has among other things particularly highlighted two important issues for countries across the world: the significance of a nation-wide inclusive digitalisation and the re-evaluation of the role of the state as an economic player in times of major uncertainty for businesses and investors. In the case of the former, such issues as the digital divide, data culture and digital readiness of businesses and public organisations have largely been evaluated in terms of the degree of effectiveness of the government’s policies in the digital sphere. The latter has intensified the debate about the need for a mission-oriented entrepreneurial state (Mazzucato, 2011) capable of implementing an industrial policy that is in line with its long-term development goals and takes into account the interests of its major stakeholders (the administration, businesses and society). The much-circulated notion of development-oriented public-private partnerships adds an additional dimension and relevance to the study of the link between digital technologies, public policy and business strategies that has so far been mostly explored under such terms as Digital Governance (Dunleavy, 2005), Government-as-a-Platform (O’Reilly, 2011) and Ecosystems (Teece, 2007).

Digital transformation is often presented as a window of opportunity for developing and emerging economies looking to catch up with the developed countries. The relatively low costs of high-speed internet infrastructure development are believed to give these economies a comparative advantage in building competitive economies, effectively performing the so-called ‘digital leapfrogging’ (World Bank, 2016; Mühleisen, 2018). Depending on the institutional context, however, digital transformation has had an impact of a varying degree on the transformation processes of not only economy but also politics, society and culture. From the rise of China’s tech giants and its geopolitical ambitions to Estonia’s e-government and digital society, or the cyber warfare capabilities of Russia and Iran, the case of developing and emerging economies provides a rich palette of revealing examples to choose from.

Considering the digital sphere as a prism for the study of public policies, business strategies and ecosystems along with societal changes of developing and emerging economies may yield useful insights on the key trends that are likely to be intensified in the post-pandemic era.

The workshop will address these issues by bringing together research on the digital transformation of emerging and developing economies from an international and interdisciplinary perspective.



Panel 1 (8:30-10:30 UTC +2 Paris) moderated by Prof Julien Vercueil

8:30-8:40 : Opening

8:40-9:00 : The State as a Platform ? Hopes and Disillusionments of Russia’s Digital Transformation

Dmitry Volkov, National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilisations, Paris, France.

9:00-9:20 : Internet as a Tool for Power Self-building Within the Muslim Society in Russia: the Halal Example

Agathe Guy, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France.

9:20-9:40 : Palestine and Digital Diplomacy: Opportunities and Prospects

Karan Vora, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India.

9:40-10:00 : The Politics of Digital Transformation and Bureaucratic Change in Turkey and Uzbekistan

Roman Pomeshchikov, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

10:00-10:30 : Q&A Session


Panel 2 (11:00-13:00 UTC +2 Paris) moderated by Dr Assen Slim

11:00-11:20 : Subject Identification of Ecosystems in Digital Economy

Ilya Filimonov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.

11:20-11:40 : Digital Transformation: A Literature Review Of The Integration Of Artificial Intelligence Into The Company's Organisational Strategy

Fabrice Lollia, Gustave Eiffel University, Paris, France.

11:40-12:00 : Digitalisation, Enterprise Formalisation, and Global Value Chains: a Cross-country, Firm- level Analysis

Upalat Korwatanasakul, United Nations University Institute for the Advanced, Study of Sustainability, Tokyo, Japan.

12:00-12:20 : Grand Claims Vs Realities in the Digitalization of Agriculture in Ghana: Promises and Risks of an Emerging Trend

Fabio Gatti, Nicholas Atanga, Oane Visser, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands. International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague, Netherlands.

12:20-12:50 : Q&A Session


12:50-13:00 : Conclusion


Dmitry D. Volkov (PhD, CREE, Inalco)

Ilya Filimonov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)

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Programme_Workshop international "Une perspective internationale et interdisciplinaire sur la transformation numérique"_17-09-2021 (96.64 Ko, .pdf)