Voting at departmental councils

When and how to vote for student representatives on departmental councils.

When to vote?

Calendrier des élections (558.16 KB, .pdf)

Departmental council elections December 7-9, 2022

Opening of the election campaignMonday, October 3, 2022Posting of the electoral rollsMonday, November 7, 2022Submission of candidacies candidacies (deadlines)Monday, November 21 to Thursday, December 1, 2022Single ballotWednesday, December 7 to Friday, December 9 December 2022Counting of votesDecember 9, 2022Proclamation of resultswithin 3 days of the end of electoral operations electoral operations

Number of seats available per department for student colleges

DepartmentScrutinTerm of officeNumber of seats to be filledAfrica and Indian Ocean

Scrutinde liste à 1 tour à la représentation proportionelle

2 years8 seats (8 incumbents / 8 alternates)South Asia / Himalayas6 seats (6 incumbents / 6 alternates)South Asia-East / Pacific7 seats (7 full / 7 alternate)Arabic Studies10 seats (10 full / 10 alternate)Chinese Studies8 seats (8 full / 8 alternates)Korean Studies4 seats (4 incumbents / 4 alternates)Hebrew and Jewish Studies4 seats (4 incumbents / 4 alternates)Japanese substitutes)Europe10 seats (10 holders / 10 substitutes) Languages and
cultures of the
Americas First-past-the-post
1-ballot voting 2 years 1 seat (1 incumbent)

DepartmentScrutinMandate remaining to be filledNumber of seats to be to be filledInternational businessInternational tradeLicenceFirst Past the Post2 years1 seat (1 holder / 1 alternate)Master1 seat (1 holder / 1 alternate)International relationsLicence1 seat (1 full member / 1 alternate member)Master's degree1 seat (1 full member / 1 alternate member)Language professions, de la communication et de l'interculturelCommunication and intercultural training (bachelor's degree)1 seat (1 full member / 1 alternate)Texts, computing, multilingualism (bachelor)1 seat (1 full member / 1 alternate)Didactics of languages
(bachelor)1 seat (1 full member / 1 alternate)Commission des formations de masterMention LLCER2 seats (2 full / 2 alternate)Mention science du langage1 seat (1 full member / 1 alternate member)Mention automatic language processing 1 seat (1 full member / 1 alternate member)Mention language didactics langues1 seat (1 regular / 1 alternate)
Mention traduction et interprétation1 seat (1 regular / 1 alternate)

Who votes?

Students enrolled in a degree-granting course offered by that department are eligible to vote and be elected to the college of student representatives on the department council.

Students enrolled in two departments may vote in each of their departments of enrolment.

Students enrolled in 2nd and 3rd year degree courses in the Métiers de l'international department or the Métiers des langues, de la communication et de l'interculturel department vote twice, once to elect their representative in the department council to which their course is attached, and once in the department of linguistic and areal training to which the oriental language they are studying belongs.

Students enrolled in Master's courses vote twice, once to elect their representative to the Council of the language and areal training department to which the Oriental language they are studying is attached, and again to elect their representative to the Council of Master's courses.

Submitting your candidacy

To orient you in a candidacy process you will find below a candidate's guide to student elections:

Application forms for elections to departmental councils, courses of study, CFM and plurilingual section languages and cultures of the Americas

Individual application form
Please note: To be completed by candidates present on the lists in the case of a list ballot and for single-member constituency elections (courses of study, plurilingual section languages and cultures of the Americas and CFM).

Guide du candidat aux élections étudiantes (1.76 MB, .pdf)

List application forms by department.
Please note: each candidate on the list must also complete an individual application form (above).

Fiche individuelle de candidature (211.71 KB, .pdf)

Fiche de candidature liste département Afrique (220.04 KB, .pdf)

Fiche de candidature département ASEP (220.21 KB, .pdf)

Fiche de candidature ASUH (219.07 KB, .pdf)

Fiche de candidature département études chinoises (220.37 KB, .pdf)

Fiche de candidature département études coréennes (214.66 KB, .pdf)

Fiche de candidature département études arabes (221.21 KB, .pdf)

Fiche de candidature département Eurasie (216.12 KB, .pdf)

Fiche de candidature département Europe (221.6 KB, .pdf)

Fiche de candidature de département d'études hébraïque (215.35 KB, .pdf)

Fiche de candidature département études japonaises (220.43 KB, .pdf)

Fiche de candidature département études russes (218.07 KB, .pdf)

Professions of faith
Student application lists