A rich history

Since the 18th century, Inalco has remained faithful to its mission of educating the French in the knowledge of languages, opening up French education to the Eastern world through the dissemination of languages recognized as useful for politics and trade.
Statue d'Antoine-Isaac Silvestre de Sacy
Statue d'Antoine-Isaac Silvestre de Sacy © Sonia Leconte / Inalco‎

Key dates

1795 Creation of the École spéciale des langues orientales
1914 The school adopts the nickname Langues O'
1971 The school becomes the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (Inalco)
1984 Inalco acquires grand établissement status
2010 Inalco is a founding member of Sorbonne Paris. orientales (Inalco)
1984 L'Inalco acquiert le statut de grand établissement
2010 L'Inalco est membre fondateur de Sorbonne Paris Cité
2011 L'Inalco installe l'ensemble de ses formations en un unique lieu au 65, rue des Grands Moulins in Paris

The creation of Inalco
Institutional and linguistic development
The digital and geographic explosion
Historical and collaborative unity
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