UE1 and UE2

Aréaux pathway: Africa and the Indian Ocean

Africa and Indian Ocean

Amharic, Berber, Hausa, Manding (Bambara), Fulani, Swahili, Wolof, Yoruba, Malagasy.

In the second semester of M1, the AOI department's master's seminar, UE2 - Histoire et diffusion des idées, will focus on the geopolitics of the religious fact in Ethiopia and the Horn, approached through long time and analyzed in its contemporary geopolitical implications.

Aréaux pathway: Asia and the Pacific (including the Americas)

Within the Asia-Pacific zone, students enroll, depending on their specialty language, in one of the following 5 typical courses:

Southeast Asia and Pacific pathway

Burmese, Filipino (Tagalog), Indonesian-Malay, Khmer, Lao, Siamese, Vietnamese, Oceanic languages (Drehu, Tahitian) ; and Quechua

South Asian and Himalayan Studies

Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Sinhala, Tamil, Telugu, Nepali, Tibetan,

Chinese Studies


Korean Studies

NB: The Master 2 Korean Studies offers a course in teaching Korean. For more information, please contact Mr. Kang Shin-Tae

Japanese studies course


Aréaux pathway: Europe Eurasia Russia

Within the Europe Eurasia Russia zone, students enroll, depending on their specialty language, in one of the following typical courses:

Eurasian Course

Armenian, Georgian, Mongolian, Pashto, Persian


Information on the civilization of UE2-UE4 Eurasia

CIVILISATION EURASIE - Cours spécialisation aréale UE2 - Master LLCER 2019-2020 (357.01 KB, .pdf)

Course Europe

Albanian, Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Polish, Czech, Ukrainian, Greek, Hungarian, Finnish, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian,

Information on the civilization of UE2-UE4 Europe

Master LLCER Europe séminaires UE2 (453.52 KB, .pdf)

Russian Studies pathway


Aréaux pathway: Middle East Maghreb

Within the Middle East and Maghreb zone, students enroll, depending on their specialty language, in one of the following typical pathways:

Arabic course

master Arabic studies (literal and dialectal Arabic) , master Maghreb Arabic,

Hebrew and Jewish studies course

master Hebrew and Jewish studies (Hebrew)