Protection policy for vulnerable groups

Inalco adopted its Politique de protection des publics en situation de fragilité at the Board of Directors meeting on May 15, 2020.

Inalco adopted its Policy for the Protection of Fragile Audiences at the Board of Directors meeting on May 15, 2020.

In addition to its regular staff, lnalco welcomes students and teachers from all walks of life. Some of them may find themselves in fragile situations, and need to be able to benefit from specific provisions to prevent certain identified risks, and to be supported appropriately if necessary.

This Policy for the Protection of People in Fragile Situations provides a common frame of reference for all Inalco staff and users, in order to prevent any real risk or feeling of discrimination against a particular individual. This document also defines the appropriate measures and protocols for each situation, and identifies one or more persons responsible for the actions to be taken.

Two initiatives are symbolic of Inalco's commitment to implementing this policy, namely the DU Hospitalité, Médiations, Migrations (H2M) and the Inalc'ER initiative, unique in France, which has become DU passerelle in 2020.

If you have any queries about our Protection Policy for vulnerable populations, please contact the Direction de la Recherche, de la Valorisation et des études doctorales:

Mrs Héléna Lubert-Guin

Inalco Alumni Network Manager

Direction de la Recherche, de la Valorisation et des études doctorales (Dirved)

Politique de protection des personnes en situation de fragilité (1er février 2022) (438.68 KB, .pdf)

Remis le 01/02/2022

Annexes 1 et 2 PPPF - Liste des différents critères de discrimination et contacts des personnes ressources (1er février 2022) (363.56 KB, .pdf)

Remis le 01/02/2022