• February 6 : "Language teachers" research workshop, to complement the readers' training seminar, 18h-19h30, Inalco, room 3.12 (Axis 2)
  • February 17:
    • Study day "Regards croisés sur les représentations sociales en didactique des langues et en sociolinguistique" (Axis 1)
    • Launch of the Précis en chinois (Axis 1)

Programme de la journée (577.03 KB, .pdf)

  • February 24: Annual doctoral seminar (Delphine Grass, University of Lancaster, UK), 5pm-7pm, (Axe 4)
  • 07 March: Research workshop "Didactique de la traduction: entre théories et pratiques" (Jean-René Ladmiral, Université Paris 10-Nanterre), Inalco, room 4.15 (Axis 3)
  • March 10-11: OWRI (Open World Research Initiative)
  • March 20: "Travaux des doctorants" research workshop, Inalco, room 3.12 (Axis 2)
  • March 23-24 : CommArt project seminar, Hasselt, Belgium (Axis 5)

Rapport de mission (33.73 KB, .pdf)

  • March 24: Annual doctoral seminar (Aline Gohard-Radenkovic, University of Fribourg, Switzerland), (Axe 4)
  • April 26: Research workshop "Didactics of translation: between theory and practice" (Jean-Christophe Hecquet, translator), 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Inalco, (Axe 3)

Programme de l'atelier (62.79 KB, .pdf)

  • April 26 : Annual doctoral seminar (Françoise Wolf-Mandroux, Paris Sud, Plidam), (Axe 4)

Affiche du séminaire (80.67 KB, .pdf)

  • May 11 : Study day "Heterogeneity in the language classroom", 09:00 to 18:00, Inalco, room 3.15, (Axe 2)

Programme de la journée (531.55 KB, .pdf)

  • May 15: Research workshop - presentation of the 'Cafés linguistiques' project by Odile Racine, Inalco, room 3.12 (Axe 2)
  • May 26: Translating, interpreting and teaching 'realia', Doctoral Day, (CERMOM-PLIDAM)

Programme du colloque (279.8 KB, .pdf)

  • May 30 : Annual doctoral seminar (Eve-Marie Rollinat-Levasseur, Paris 3), (Axe 4)

Présentation (119.78 KB, .pdf)

  • June 7: Formation & Accompagnement à la Réflexivité dans la Recherche, (DILTEC-PLIDAM), Inalco, room 3.11

Programme (252.24 KB, .pdf)

  • June 30: Annual doctoral seminar (Olga Anokhina, CNRS), (Axe 4)

Présentation (89.48 KB, .pdf)

  • June 30: Journée "MOOC de langues : enjeux théoriques, défis de la conception, retour d'expérience et évaluation", (Axe 5), Inalco, Auditorium.

Programme de la journée (772.48 KB, .pdf)

  • July 23-28: 18th Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

Rapport de mission AILA (851.17 KB, .pdf)

  • October 2-3: Swahili/French and Malagasy/French translation workshops (Axes 3 and 4).
  • October 17 : Conference "Some problems encountered in the elaboration of the Cilubà monolingual dictionary"

Affiche de la conférence (84.28 KB, .pdf)

  • November 24: Doctoral study day "Distance between languages, distance between cultures. What didactic implications?"

Programme de la journée (207.57 KB, .pdf)

  • December 1: "Stimuli and the teaching of speaking" conference (Axe 2).
  • Programme de la journée (117.5 KB, .pdf)